I'm sooooo off my budget!!
If you know me, you know that I'm OBSESSED with a menu and grocery list. I don't know what we would do without it. Probably starve, deffinately eat really wierd and very experimental stuff for dinner, always be out of eggs and butter..... and toilet paper. Oh yeah, it would get very ugly, very fast. I've always been good about the grocery budget, managing to feed and toilet paper a family of 5 (sometimes 6) on about $150/ week. I don't think that's too shabby.
Then I discovered this!

Oh my, the money saving, time saving, hair saving ('cause I'm not pulling it out) beauty of this plan. I was a little doubtful of the ability to cook 7 dinner meals for $80ish dollars a week, but I took the plunge. I mean heck, it's only $1.25 per week, I can swing that. But I was shocked..... no really, SHOCKED! It worked!
The first week, I went to Publix and bought everything from the list, plus my cleaning supplies and milk/ cereal and still only spent $115! WHAT?!?!?! How did that happen!!!! I don't know how these ladies do it, but the food is good, the prices are always correct and I am saving money like a champ! I still budget for $150 so that I can stock up on good deals and use coupons when I want, but I'm mostly socking away money for vacation this year!
I did have a recent bout with going off the plan because I found a really great deal on beef at Sam's. Did I mention that I'm really sick of Beef these days? Well, I am!!!
"Oh please God, some chicken..... it's all I ask of you!"
I am not opposed to eating beef, and I'm certainly not opposed to a great deal, but there is only so much beef that this girl can handle. So here I am, finally getting to the end of the supply and I realized something. Having been off of the ez mealz program for about 4 weeks now, I realized that I really miss it! The no thinking, no planning, no searching the sales flyer aspect of it has become nice.... I miss it. So, I'm back on! When I go to the store this Friday, I'm gonna be on the program.
"I've missed you e-mealz... I'm coming home!"
If you know me, you know that I'm OBSESSED with a menu and grocery list. I don't know what we would do without it. Probably starve, deffinately eat really wierd and very experimental stuff for dinner, always be out of eggs and butter..... and toilet paper. Oh yeah, it would get very ugly, very fast. I've always been good about the grocery budget, managing to feed and toilet paper a family of 5 (sometimes 6) on about $150/ week. I don't think that's too shabby.
Then I discovered this!

Oh my, the money saving, time saving, hair saving ('cause I'm not pulling it out) beauty of this plan. I was a little doubtful of the ability to cook 7 dinner meals for $80ish dollars a week, but I took the plunge. I mean heck, it's only $1.25 per week, I can swing that. But I was shocked..... no really, SHOCKED! It worked!
The first week, I went to Publix and bought everything from the list, plus my cleaning supplies and milk/ cereal and still only spent $115! WHAT?!?!?! How did that happen!!!! I don't know how these ladies do it, but the food is good, the prices are always correct and I am saving money like a champ! I still budget for $150 so that I can stock up on good deals and use coupons when I want, but I'm mostly socking away money for vacation this year!
I did have a recent bout with going off the plan because I found a really great deal on beef at Sam's. Did I mention that I'm really sick of Beef these days? Well, I am!!!
"Oh please God, some chicken..... it's all I ask of you!"
I am not opposed to eating beef, and I'm certainly not opposed to a great deal, but there is only so much beef that this girl can handle. So here I am, finally getting to the end of the supply and I realized something. Having been off of the ez mealz program for about 4 weeks now, I realized that I really miss it! The no thinking, no planning, no searching the sales flyer aspect of it has become nice.... I miss it. So, I'm back on! When I go to the store this Friday, I'm gonna be on the program.
"I've missed you e-mealz... I'm coming home!"
I make a monthly menu and it really helps us spend less money. I go online and look for coupons and we shop and Aldi's, sam's and Walmart to save the most money. And we eat ALOT of casseroles and pasta's! lol. cuz it's cheaper and feeds alot. My boys eat ALOT! lol.
Thanks for the comment! I am trying to be more faithful with posting to the blog and not just facebook.... facebook is the devil I tell you. I don't vacuum, etc. anymore 'cause I'm on facebook too much. Anyways.. thanks again. Nice to know someones out there.
Which plan do you use?