You Just Never Know......
Have you ever had one of those days? You know, the ones that seem like nothing goes right or everything is moving too fast and you're left playing catch up all day! I hate those!!! They seem to be my life lately... just always playing catch up.
Nate (my long suffering husband) has been working second shift for the past 6 days, and has to keep this up until Friday. I HATE 2nd SHIFT!!!! I never get enough sleep, I hate fixing dinner, eating dinner and putting the kids to bed by myself. Oh, and did I mention that my birthday and mother's day fell during this horrid time!!!!!
Let me just say that there has been whining, there has been complaining, there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth (ooohh, that was very Biblical of me). But, to no avail, still the 2nd shift continues.... Ugh! during this time Nate has also taken on a few small side projects that have him out and about all morning.... now this, I can live with. Having him home all morning and gone all evening has thrown off my mojo.... That's my new favorite word by the way "mojo", don't know why, just love it this week. I get that from time to time. Okay enough complaining.
Just when my complaining was starting to get loud on Mother's Day, my baby girls walked in. Her hair was standing on end, it was crazy and she was sweating up a storm. I looked at her and asked her if she would like to cut it off so that it would be cooler during the summer. I was pleasantly surprised by her quick response of "Sure Mom, sounds good to me."
What??? My girl who won't pierce her ears and wants to grow her hair as long as Rapunzel's just said "YES!". Well, you know what I did, I grabbed the scissors and started cutting. I didn't let any grass grow under my feet. And this is what we got.....
oooohhhh, she looks so grown up. I had to straighten it so that I could get the angles straight, but it looks so much better curly. Note to self: burn pictures of Zoe with straight hair so Nate won't freak out!

So grown up......

So very happy, she spent the rest of the day primping in front of the mirror. I think I may have created a monster here! After months of asking, begging, promising the world just to let me cut her hair, who knew that it would be today that she chose to say yes! What a great Mother's Day gift... on Monday it took all of 2 minutes to do her hair..... ahhhhh, bliss!
Nate (my long suffering husband) has been working second shift for the past 6 days, and has to keep this up until Friday. I HATE 2nd SHIFT!!!! I never get enough sleep, I hate fixing dinner, eating dinner and putting the kids to bed by myself. Oh, and did I mention that my birthday and mother's day fell during this horrid time!!!!!
Let me just say that there has been whining, there has been complaining, there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth (ooohh, that was very Biblical of me). But, to no avail, still the 2nd shift continues.... Ugh! during this time Nate has also taken on a few small side projects that have him out and about all morning.... now this, I can live with. Having him home all morning and gone all evening has thrown off my mojo.... That's my new favorite word by the way "mojo", don't know why, just love it this week. I get that from time to time. Okay enough complaining.
Just when my complaining was starting to get loud on Mother's Day, my baby girls walked in. Her hair was standing on end, it was crazy and she was sweating up a storm. I looked at her and asked her if she would like to cut it off so that it would be cooler during the summer. I was pleasantly surprised by her quick response of "Sure Mom, sounds good to me."
What??? My girl who won't pierce her ears and wants to grow her hair as long as Rapunzel's just said "YES!". Well, you know what I did, I grabbed the scissors and started cutting. I didn't let any grass grow under my feet. And this is what we got.....
So grown up......
So very happy, she spent the rest of the day primping in front of the mirror. I think I may have created a monster here! After months of asking, begging, promising the world just to let me cut her hair, who knew that it would be today that she chose to say yes! What a great Mother's Day gift... on Monday it took all of 2 minutes to do her hair..... ahhhhh, bliss!
Next, we work on the ear piercing.... 'cause hey, you just never know! :)