Cool thing happened last week though, Nathan surprised me with flowers. No, not a plant, but real honest to goodness cut flowers. Ugh, such a waste of money, I LOVED THEM! I always tell him to buy a plant or something because the expense for something that will die so soon goes against my cheapskate ways. This time, he ignored me, it was so exciting. He just blew all that money on me, such extravagance, I am getting spoiled! He can do it some more if he wants, I won't even complain and tell him that he could get 3 or 4 beautiful (and lasting) plants for the price of that one bouquet. Oh, and when he includes that 12 pack of diet coke with lime, well the world just about stops spinning. It's amazing how those little things just stick with you. It wasn't diamonds, or anything expensive, it was less than $20, but it's those things that I remember. Those little "just thought of you" kinda things. Ahhh, I love that about him. He pays such good attention to me. I love this man.
Today is another one of those days, you know, the ones where you can think of a million things that need to be done and yet, not one actually gets accomplished. Oh, it's not because I am so busy doing something pressing, or that work has got me really busy, it's just that NOTHING is getting accomplished. I am having a crash day in a big way..... although my rhyming skills are proving strong today. Maybe I should write some poetry, no, that would mean I would have to open a new program on the computer and that would require way to much brain power. So, here I sit, doing nothing, watching Dora with Toby and Ava and blogging. It really stinks to be so mentally busy and yet unable to get your body to cooperate. Do you ever feel this way?