my friend the sewing machine
My faithful sewing machine has been getting a workout lately, she is just so good to me. I have been on such a crafty kick lately. Christmas is in the air for me and it's only Halloween. I can't help it, this year I have vowed to be ahead of the game. I am already done cutting and sewing my Chrinstmas cards, and only have the painting left. Yay, that's the fun part. Christmas lists are laying all over the house and Christmas gifts are in the planning and working out stages... soon to be started. I think everyone is gonna love what they're getting. I hope. I'll post pics of the progress soon. I hope everyone elses Christmas crafting is going well or is getting planned/ started. Hopefully I'll actually follow through and get everything on my list done. Keep your fingers crossed.
I have decided to make my Christmas a recycled/ homemade Christmas this year. This simply means I'm gonna make as much as I can with my own two or my kid's 8 hands or I'm gonna recycle (by selling) some of the excess that we have laying around to buy the things I can't make. (I think that was a run on sentence, but it's my blog and I can do what I want) So, this is something I am really committed to, I am even having a yard sale next week to support the cause. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Have a great weekend!